
With the festive season here, it is necessary to do a quick spring clean before guests arrive for your annual house gathering. But aside from fluffing up the throw pillows or trimming the tree, there’s one other important room that every guest would notice – the bathroom.
Visiting the bathroom is an everyday matter and being careless about bathroom hygiene may be hazardous to health. From the bacteria lurking on door knobs, basins to the toilet interior and seat itself, a bathroom visit can be quite a hygienic challenge – and falling sick is never fun.
Toilet humor might be staple material for less creative comics, but awkward situations in the bathroom are usually anything but funny in reality. Say hello to the next era of derrière self-care: American Standard leverages on over 50 years of shower toilet expertise from one of LIXIL’s portfolio of brands – INAX, offering a range of Spalet[...]
In today’s digital world, technology touches all aspects of life – even our bathrooms. With the automation of homes, smart toilets have become increasingly common. But by having electrical components in the bathroom, one may wonder: is it safe?
締造能滿足家中各人需要的完美浴室已不再是只考慮主題、顏色或燈光風等,尤其是共用浴室,它必須是一間老少皆宜的空間。恰當的設計能讓浴室帶來像水療般的舒適體驗,以及必需的安全性。 作為衛生潔具的權威品牌之一,American Standard不僅持續提高標準,創造各種浴室解決方案,還設計出既優美、實用而又照顧家中各人安全的產品。以下是American Standard提供的一些實用又新穎的解決方案。 這些解決方案可大大提升您家中的浴室享用體驗。
Why wipe when you can wash? When it comes to a real cleanse, the pristine way to cleanse is definitely to wash rather than to wipe. And that holds true for bathroom hygiene, especially after a visit to the loo. Imagine this: A wipe is like spreading dirt around till the last smear gets wiped off – not a nice thought especially when it comes to[...]
有超過50位亞洲最頂尖的設計師、建築師、開發商和媒體記者獲邀參加歷來首次在日本名古屋市舉行的2018 LIXIL Spalet經典巡迴展覽,而是次巡迴展的最大特色就是2018 Spalet夢理目的地比賽。
毫無疑問,世人都仰慕日本的科技,而大部份人都認識日本的革命性座便器。沖洗式座便器雖然在日本甚屬平常,但是在世界很多地方卻是極為新奇的事物。 雖然這與日本作為科技創新強國有關,然而,有趣的是,日本的傳統文化習慣,卻啟發了今天的座便器設計。
旅遊季節轉眼就到,您是否已計劃好去哪個夢想旅遊勝地? 不論您是否魂牽夢繞著如畫的風景、冒險之旅抑或令人垂涎的地方美食,要享受完美的夢想旅遊勝地體驗,度假時的住宿跟行程的規劃一樣重要。
日本毫無疑問是全球最多遊客到訪的國家之一,但您們可知除了美麗的山水名勝及膾炙人口的日式美食之外,日本高水平的衛生標準也是全球所公認的。日本的傳統衛浴文化啟發了今天出現於豪華酒店、私人度假屋以至城市住宅之中的潔淨而超級舒適的浴室。 日本的沖洗式座便器是該國創新科技的象徵,雖然人們經常以此為話題,但很少人認識其歷史以及它為何成為了日本生活的必需品。